Privacy Policy and Security Statement
- We do not sell or rent information about you. All information provided to Montage Press remains absolutely confidential.
- Montage Press will not collect any personal information about you except when specifically and knowingly provided by you.
- Montage Press may share aggregate or summary information regarding its customers with partners, advertisers or other third parties. This data will never identify you personally.
- Like most other websites, servers automatically track certain information about your activity on our site. This information includes the browser you are using, your IP address and the pages that you visit. We use this information to assist us as we continually assess and improve the products and services we offer.
- This privacy policy outlines what information is gathered about you, how that information may be used and your choices in how that information is used. We may change or add to this privacy policy so we encourage you to review it periodically.
If you have any questions about this policy please contact us.